The brand new game, A Total War Saga: TROY is currently free on the Epic Games Store for 24 hours. This is a $75 that you can currently get for free.
The game is an RTS. Here’s the description from the store:
In this legendary age, heroes walk the earth. In an act that shocks the world, audacious Paris, prince of Troy, elopes with the beautiful queen of Sparta. As they sail away, King Menelaus curses her name. He vows to bring his wife home – whatever the cost.
Sale ends 8/14/2020 at 4:00 PM
Free but use Denuvo , no thanks . Even if you pay me i will never install a game using that virus. I dont want this crap floating around my system files forever .
Game looks boring i prefer Warhammer 2 TW
For real no joke. I played almost every TW game but Warhammer spoiled me so badly. I can’t enjoy TW games anymore without big ass monsters. Regular TW games all just feel boring and dull all units feel like mere reskins of the same unit. Hope that when they’re finished with Warhammer 3 and all it’s DLC they find a new fantasy IP I need my monster units 😀
If you create an account on total war access and link your epiq game account –> the first DLC will be free in September