Attack on Titan 2-CODEX
Abandon all fear. Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series "Attack on Titan." Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his […]
Abandon all fear. Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series "Attack on Titan." Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his […]
BL00 is a fast-paced 3D platformer centered around using boost and homing attack combos to explore huge levels, all while taking down an army of killer robots. Players control Bloo, a classy blue lad with a […]
Once a quiet place called Greentown was shocked by a series of powerful earthquakes. After that mystical portals with nasty beasts began to open throughout the city. You are the hero of Greentown, the last stand […]
Battle an army of sycophantic cultists, zombies, gargoyles, hellhounds, and an insatiable host of horrors in your quest to defeat the evil Tchernobog. Squirm through 42 loathesome levels filled with more atmosphere than a Lovecraftian mausoleum. […]
Action-packed World War 2 battles for the desert territories await you. Your ingenuity and leadership skills as general will determine victory or defeat. Will you survive the toughest fight in history? “1943 – A hot, dusty […]
R_sin is a third-person single-player adventure horror game that combines shooting elements with horror elements. There are many horror scenes and suspense in the game and it alsohave some weird plot. (it doesn’t feel scary at […]
Explore and reshape distant worlds! Astroneer is set during the 25th century Intergalactic Age of Discovery, where Astroneers explore the frontiers of outer space, risking their lives in harsh environments to unearth rare discoveries and unlock […]
Welcome to the deep underground Nyakuza Metro! It’s the perfect place for a little lying, a little cheating… a little stealing. Join the Nyakuza and become mad rich – joining a gang never turned out bad, […]
Having searched Eastern and Western Europe for a missing heir, Kate Walker finally completed her long and arduous journey, obtaining the signature of Hans Voralberg and closing the automaton factory buyout. Mission accomplished? Not for this […]
Kate Walker, a young ambitious lawyer from New York, is handed what seems a fairly straight forward assignment – a quick stopover to handle the sale of an old automaton factory hidden in the alpine valleys, […]