Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.
• A Vast World Full of Excitement
A vast world where open fields with a variety of situations and huge dungeons with complex and three-dimensional designs are seamlessly connected. As you explore, the joy of discovering unknown and overwhelming threats await you, leading to a high sense of accomplishment.
• Create your Own Character
In addition to customizing the appearance of your character, you can freely combine the weapons, armor, and magic that you equip. You can develop your character according to your play style, such as increasing your muscle strength to become a strong warrior, or mastering magic.
• An Epic Drama Born from a Myth
A multilayered story told in fragments. An epic drama in which the various thoughts of the characters intersect in the Lands Between.
• Unique Online Play that Loosely Connects You to Others
In addition to multiplayer, where you can directly connect with other players and travel together, the game supports a unique asynchronous online element that allows you to feel the presence of others.
Game Title: ELDEN RING
Store Page:
Developer: FromSoftware Inc.
Publisher: FromSoftware Inc., BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
User Rating: 957,799 73,787 Very Positive
Release Date: 24 Feb, 2022
SIZE: 47.5 GB
Game is updated to the latest version v1.04.1 which brings us some major changes.Interested in patch notes? You can find them in the link below.
Don’t forget to head to Options and change the launch setting to “Play Offline”.
The following DLC are included:
ELDEN RING EU Pre-Purchase DLC Bundle
ELDEN RING Adventure Guide
ELDEN RING Bonus Gesture
All links are interchangeable. If you cant see the links press CTRL+F5
- Not found
- Not found
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: INTEL CORE I5-8400 or AMD RYZEN 3 3300X
- Memory: 12 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1060 3 GB or AMD RADEON RX 580 4 GB
- DirectX: Version 12
- Storage: 60 GB available space
- Sound Card: Windows Compatible Audio Device
- Additional Notes ↓ :
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- OS: Windows 10/11
- Processor: INTEL CORE I7-8700K or AMD RYZEN 5 3600X
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- DirectX: Version 12
- Storage: 60 GB available space
- Sound Card: Windows Compatible Audio Device
- Additional Notes ↓ :
Languages:English*, French, Italian, German, Spanish – Spain, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese – Brazil, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish – Latin America, Thai, Traditional Chinese
*languages with full audio support
Game is updated to the latest version v1.04.1 which brings us some major changes Interested in patch notes? You can find them in the link below Don't forget to head to Options and change the launch setting to "Play Offline" The following DLC are included: ELDEN RING EU Pre-Purchase DLC Bundle ELDEN RING Adventure Guide ELDEN RING Bonus Gesture Notes: * Greetings: DOGE - HOODLUM - RELOADED FairLight - Legends may sleep but never die! Installation Information: * Unrar and burn or mount the .iso * Install by using our installer * Play the game (Block the game in your firewall)
onedrive link don’t work for me, after i press download nothing happened
torrent update please bro
This game is still messy, glitchy, buggy af and has constant balance issues despite all the patches. Bosses are either overpowered or totally powerless, with nothing in between. And if you expect interesting characters or interesting story don’t bother. Game design feels like it was made as an online game playing against bots and not a true single player RPG.
What a disgrace for a “10/10” game still a mess and all the morons that say it’s the best game created . Stuff is ludicrously bad and people giving 10 are either Dark Souls fanatics or underage kids.
Only childish gamers and new gamers without any gaming knowledge will play this and vote 10/10. And again, 75% of the ratings are faked, its all marketing. By now people should know this lol.
I love how the hype can make a game to be amazing when in reality it doesnt even deserve more than five points. But again, kids and braindead gamers are the main focus of these “AAA” games. And companies know it. And yes, every single AAA game released these days is bugged as hell, you should also blame to all the idiotic gamers of today who buy games like candies without reason or even thinking on the videogaming industry health.
Agree with you, i have played many RPG games since 1995 there is no way this piece of trash deserves a 10 score.
LMAO you two should get a room and suck each other dick off
So you’re “not childish” and “not braindead” because you insist you don’t like deservedly popular game that other people genuinely like? yeah really shows your maturity and inteligent level LMAO
the fact that you take your time to shit on game you supposedly don’t care really shows how contrarian you are
cringe, you cry because someone speaks the truth, this game has the graphics of ps4 and thats being generous. There’s pc port issues that don’t exist in God of War (game way older than this) and frankly there’s no fucking story line. Just dissapointing and it’s amazing that there’s so many brain dead people who say this game is awesome. It’s a steaming pile of dog shit and you’re mad about it.
add torrent link please
don’t make any more topics for this stupid game pls idiots that still play it are cancer
Ths game is Fast food tastes good but quality is SHIT
Garbage game in before braindead elder ring fanboys will say get good since it’s the only seething cope argument they have to excuse zero memorable characters,lack of story structure,lackbuster storytelling,intentionally unbalanced difficulty curve to appeal to neckbeard sand be unique which doesn’t autonamitcally make bland game with no story and no choices who tries to brand himself as RPG good. It’s typical trash whose only redeeming quality is enemy and game world design who ups the difficulty to insane level so obese neckbeards will think it’s good despite being lackbuster in all areas of quality gamemaking sad state of gaming we went from Mass Effect OG trilogy or Dragon Age Origins in RPG genre who are defintion of masterpieces with superb storytelling to garbage like this being called flawless masterpiece.
Bioware is a woke corporation and their games this last few years suck ass, you are a dick too, this game is great, just git good looser.
LOL using woke unironically just by that alone I can tell you are low iq right wing imbecile. But aside from that I talk about OG Bioware you moron meaning the company that made OG Mass Effect 1-3,Dragon age Origins and Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 1 and 2,Jade Empire meaning Bioware until about 2012 all their games blows this garbage out of the water in terms of storytelling memorable characters and gameplay. Any Elder Scroll game blows this mediocre garbage out of the water. Also I don’t need to get good I beat most of the bosses in this game I tried giving this a chance and this is fucking trash which is mediocre or below mediocre in all categories of RPG from non existant storytelling,to repetitive structure of gameplay. Also lol at neckbeard Elder Ring fanboy calling me loser what a projection cuck and fanboy.
Imagine thinking RPG with basically little to no story,non existent storytelling,zero memorable characters,no choices repetitive gameplay loop which don’t even belong in the genre is better than OG Bioware games or Bethesda Fallout or Elder Rings Balgor is your typical obese neckbeard this game appeals to as apparent by his use of right-wing grifter buzzword terminology.
i get it when poeple are upset about a game because they paid for this shit .why are you bitching about a cracked game for free. dont get gud ….get a rope
LOL get a rope I would get a rope to strangle piece of shit obese neckbeard losers like you if i met you in real life there is nothing more pathetic in this entire world than obese neckbeards that think their gaming skills mean shit in real ife you are such an obvious maidenless virgin that It would be funny if it wouldn’t be sad. Also I have a right to critique shitty game with garbage design cracked or not.
Whao. Never thinking this site is full of moron who blame the game
That game you play crack and have no rights to judge it
Want to blame? Buy it and judge it in offcical site, Cowards
We already played it so we can judge it you stupid ass moron with or without a crack it is pure junk no one is going to give money for playing a shitty ass game if you like it so much why dont you buy it then
Judge? dude, im TIRED of judging. Every single videogame released in the past 5-10 years is completely garbage. The only reason videogaming keeps getting profit is because all the dumb new gamers who will buy everything, without any knowledge at all. Most of these are, of course kids and braindead people.
So yes, ive been playing videogames for about 30 years now, and i feel i have all the rights in the world to judge one videogame, company or whatever the h3ck i want. Ive invested in so much crap that i now look into the past and ask my self why. Because videogames today are TRASH. Plain and simple.
And the worst part is, videogames today are trash not because of the companies behind em, bug BECAUSE OF THE CHILDISH NEW GAMING GENERATION filled with kids without brains.
The first wave to blame are the customers emselves. They keep buying, companies keep getting profit without even investing efforts on polishing, bugfixing or even take into consideration player feedback. This is videogaming of today. JUDGE??? DONT MAKE ME LAUGH. IDIOT.
Why are you such a hateful little troll? Did games like this ruin your life or something? LOL yes u have a right to judge but u have no right to call every recent game TRASH. The only trash games nowadays are those who try to bleed u dry with in game transactions and micro-gambling, selling you incomplete games at full price and expect you to buy DLCs mechanics that should’ve been in the game at release. Elden Ring has none of that. Dont be an asshole just cuz you cant enjoy a game obviously NOT INTENDED for pussies like you. The only trash here is your fucked up mentality who calls games you dont even buy trash yet still kept playing for 30 yrs LOL Get help ASAP
i don’t understand why they’re trashing this game on site that provide free games to download, and even they buy or already play it, then why trash talk here ? even if its bad game, that’s own personal risk to download it,about judging the game my personal opinion this is not the right place to judge it
Elden Ring PC Patch 1.04 Intel HD 620 Low End Mod(FPS BOOST)
So much salt, GIT GUD SCRUBS.
Larping sexist virgin maindenless incel/mgtow username obese neckbeard dark soul and elder ring fanboy checks out perfectly. I am yet to meet one Elder Ring fanboy who is not a complete basement-dwelling loser who thinks good gaming skills is some great achievement in life.
BioWare fanBOI really try to tell that Elden Ring is trash and defend a horrible trilogy remaster lol, gamemode complex relationship with elden ring is like his old marriage Damn, tree sentinel got
u over the edge BOI.
How am I Bioware fanboy that I can tell you that Andromeda was mediocre and Anthem was trash? I just say that masterpieces that Bioware produced in their prime like original Mass Effect trilogy or Dragon Age Origins are better than anything trash Elder Ring and Dark Souls trilogy produced. Mass Effect and Dragon Age has tons better storytelling lore, worldbuilding,characters and even gameplay and combat. Also blind cocksucking Elder Ring fanboy calling me that is projection at it’s finest worship mediocre garbage that has trash story and mediocre combat if you want,but don’t expect all the world to worship mediocre overrated trash like Elder Ring as a masterpiece,because it’s not by any objective metric. Also Mass Effect remaster trilogy was great where was the flaw in the remaster exactly? Incel like you worshipping trash because in his imbecile simpleton mind huge difficulty and dark fantasy lore=masterpiece regardless of trash non existant story and mid gameplay is not suprising.
How to change the language?
Hi guys. What about the previous release saved game files? They appeear corrupted now guess due to new fake id… Any help with this? We are losing 50 hours+ of playtime :(((
Play anorher game and stop whining
Estou com o mesmo problema de save, Jorge =/
Let me tell you something, I miss the old BioWare played all titles it was the Goat in the pc golden era of gaming, Neverwinter Nights, Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire hell they created the Infinity Engine to use it as a core component for development of 2D role-playing video games based on Dungeons & Dragons. The Witcher 1 was created using the BioWare Aurora Engine. Mass effect and Dragon Age 2 + 3 cringe inducing at best so much political correctness a lot of bugs and a lot of broken ideas and no Satisfying Story Endings a money grab and nothing to gain from there Transhumanism bullshit woke acid dreams VISIONARY games without a soul they only remastered mass effect 1 plus destroying many textures tilsets in 2+3 old texture was better same stupid endings,. As for dragon age it should have ended with 1.
Elden Ring said Fuck this shit Lets go back no half backed games anymore and no DLC or cash grab Microtransactions cancer it boggles the mind seeing plebs with no class defend this kind of behavior because nostalgia.
Every single interaction with enemies, bosses, environments has been specifically planned for every play style, and forces you to stop, and think, instead of mindlessly button mashing. The game difficulty makes beating things so much more fulfilling, the Erdtree, once provided blessings to people across the land. But over time, a group of people began to lose those blessings, becoming known as The Tarnished. They were banished, living outside of The Lands Between for generations until a history-changing moment, when the Elden Ring was shattered and blessings began to return to The Tarnished. At the time Elden Ring is set, The Tarnished are now making their way back to their ancestral homeland, with the player’s character included among them.
Along with this baseline, Martin also specifically provided character development for many of Elden Ring’s bosses. Miyazaki tells us that these characters consist of various demigods and other powerful characters who inherited the power of the Elden Ring when it shattered, causing them to fall into madness. Stop fucking saying that there is no quests, storyline this game wont hold your hand or spoon feed the lore stupid salty haters and plebs like u keep shouting like Madman’s cant Comprehend what makes something unique and magical its not about the graphics or how much pointless quests are there this narrative was puched by GAYMERS JOURNOS how found out that Elden Ring have the middle finger for Woke cultures to make scrubs like u screech in agony.
go buy DLC THE GAME and waste your fucking 60$ for half finished product with UBISHIT formula that will give you more brain damage and Autism.
Modern gaming so cringe no class or refinement. And stop bitching on this site, go play something else attacking souls fans is pointless at least thanks team Skidrowcodex for there hard work we can try games for free before buying them.
stfu i am 15 y old and want to play Elden ring go away boomer you too old to play games grandpa
Bruh, did you read the comment?
Heh.. A 15 year old kid telling grown ups to go away when considering the most likely fact, your 15 year old ass is being able to play the game because your old man/gramps/single mom bought the gaming console or the new pc gaming rig for you. Play Elden ring all you want, I play it too and I’m 37 years old. But next time shut yer trap. Kids these days.
Can SomeOne Elz Crack Far Cry 6 Plz FLT… Or Codex Only Denuvo Cracker is Empress SHe Is taking Ages Even After Getting Donated 500$ To Crack .We Need A Fast Cracker…
Why’s this garbage game still pinned here?
I don’t know how to change AccountId.
Does anyone know?
Can you fix the One Drive Link? in Part 7 doesn’t work for me.
thank you
but go to work instead of playing !!! boomer loooool
can’t change language i go to flt.ini file with notepad, but when i try to save says is only a reading file and can’t save changes
EDIT : just righclick on file .ini, open properties and uncheck in general tab “only reading” so you can change language and save
Dumb thing dont even work. DL from torrent link and stupid thing says my pc version is not compatible. WTF windows 10 64 bit is an issue? LMAO
Elden Ring PC Patch 1.05 RX570(I7-4790)
cant install man…. setup dont working. help WTF!!
Elden Ring PC Patch 1.05 Intel HD 620(Low End Pc) FPS BOOST
1.05 – Windows PC protection popup? whats that
Elden Ring PC Patch 1.06 RX570(I7-4790)
Elden Ring PC Patch 1.06 Intel HD 620(Low End Pc) FPS BOOST