In No Plan B, every choice you make, however small, may decide the fate of your team.Assemble your squad. Work out the perfect plan. Watch it play out in real time. Study the 3D map carefully and […]
In No Plan B, every choice you make, however small, may decide the fate of your team.Assemble your squad. Work out the perfect plan. Watch it play out in real time. Study the 3D map carefully and […]
Horror, at its core, is primal. You don’t need a multi-million dollar design budget or advanced realtime bullet physics to make something scary. You just have to have an idea that is raw, and the honesty to […]
Touhou Hero of Ice Fairy is a 2D bullet hell action Touhou Project fangame.In this Boss Rush game, the player steps into the shoes of Cirno, the Hero of Ice, as she embarks on a journey against […]
Far far away in the fantasy world of New Zealand, a mage stands on the shore as an invasion approaches. But you trained as a doctor and know nothing about fighting. Will you help repel the invaders? […]
Breakthrough" is an action game in which you fight giant enemy robots.Equip weapons that fall on six floating bits and destroy the enemy’s parts.Enemies can be won by destroying their cores, which are located somewhere on their […]
Charismatic character designs with unique aesthetic styles and dramatic animations create a flamboyant, awesome combat experience. Smooth controls, infinite possibilities of combos, and realistic combat feedback. This is the roguelite game with the best action experience yet! […]
GET READY FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER IN THE LEGENDARY FIGHTING GAME FRANCHISE, TEKKEN 8. • 32 FIGHTERS FOR A NEW GENERATION Completely redesigned character visuals. Elaborate, highly-detailed models built from the ground and high-fidelity graphics break the […]
State of Decay 2 is an open-world survival-fantasy game set just after the zombie apocalypse. Your small community of survivors seeks to rebuild a corner of civilization, and you get to make all the decisions about how […]
Embark on the craziest journey of your life in It Takes Two, a genre-bending platform adventure created purely for co-op. Invite a friend to join for free with Friend’s Pass and work together across a huge variety […]
NightFeed is a rogue-lite survival experience where you must attack and survive until the dawn breaks. Explore and search the large open-world style areas for secrets and hidden artifacts. You can play NightFeed alone or cooperatively with […]