"Woodsalt" is an adventure game set on the planet of Nu-Terra, 1000 years after Earth was evacuated during chaotic natural disasters and an attack by giant creatures. You control Emcy, an Earth born man who is awaken […]
"Woodsalt" is an adventure game set on the planet of Nu-Terra, 1000 years after Earth was evacuated during chaotic natural disasters and an attack by giant creatures. You control Emcy, an Earth born man who is awaken […]
Brutal Combat and Cosmic Horror Vigil: The Longest Night is a 2D action platformer with precise, technical combat and a strong narrative. Inspired by Salt and Sanctuary and Castlevania, Vigil: The Longest Night aims to challenge players […]
COMMUNITY-MADE OVERVIEW Information: – 8 Classes, can be mixed– Unique awesome abilities– Looting game like Torchlight or Grim Dawn with a great looting system– Max lvl 30 (needs 4-5 hours)– Endgame looting still rewarding (lvl 30 items […]
Dungeons of Edera is a rogue-lite action RPG dungeon crawler featuring procedurally generated levels, each packed with challenging enemies, bosses, and lots of loot for the aspiring adventurer. Unite the Factions of Edera Play through a hand […]
In a world of myth and magic, those who aspire to immortality devote their lives to the sacred path of cultivation. They gather around sects, institutions which train their bodies, minds and souls to be worth eternal […]
The ‘Warriors of the North’ DLC for Battle Brothers expands the game with a more distinct northern region, as well as different starting scenarios to pick for your mercenary company. Face an entirely new faction of barbarians […]
Solution to the black screen and crash problem when entering the game:1. Download and install the K-Lite Codec Pack decoder, the decoder download address: https://pc.qq.com/detail/8/detail_528.html2. Unplug the wireless controller receiver or turn off Bluetooth3. Check game integrity4. […]
Your dwindling, nomadic tribe of trolls has just one goal: survival. Plagued by vicious poachers for your precious tusks and weakened by disease, hope is almost lost – until an enigmatic Elven stranger offers you, the young […]
As you ascend from your shelter after the long long years, a brave new old world awaits you. A world inhabited with nasty and vile creatures. A world with no other human soul to be seen. A […]
A fusion of roguelikes and auto-battlers like never before seen. Recruit a party of mysterious heroes, navigate deadly lands, collect an arsenal of magical items, and vanquish a new evil threatening the realm! Features Party-Based Strategy: Select […]