The beloved and critically acclaimed Ghostbusters video game is back and remastered for the Epic Games store!
Strap on your proton pack once again and join the Ghostbusters on the adventure with the voice and likeness of the original crew as you battle to save New York!
Authentic Ghostbusters Experience – The game features the voices and in-game likenesses of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson in an original story penned by the writers of the original films – Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis.
Unique Gameplay – Experience unique ghost hunting, wrangling and trapping with upgradeable weapons in widely destructible environments. Test the team’s mettle with large scale boss fights.
Storyline Campaign – Play through a unique storyline as the player battles and captures ghosts – both well-loved and brand new – throughout New York.
Game Title: Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered
Store Page:
Genres: Action, Single Player
Developers: Saber Interactive
Publisher: Mad Dog Games
Release Date: Oct 04, 2019
Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered-HOODLUM
SIZE: 22.5 GB
All links are interchangeable. If you cant see the links press CTRL+F5
- Not found
- Not found
Windows 7 SP2 and Higher
Windows 7 SP2 and Higher
Intel i3
Intel Core i5-4690
NVIDIA GeForce GT 630
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
4GB Ram
6GB Ram
Languages Supported
English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Dutch
1. Unrar 2. Mount or burn the .iso 3. Run our installer, Setup.exe 4. Block the game in your firewall 5. Run the game Note: If our installer gives you a virus alert,its a false positive.
not working .. open and crash
Not working. Crash after first infos.
Crashes after the first 2 infoscreens
Not mine: If the game crashes, Set the sound options in Windows to stereo and further (It crashed also after the second intro screen. For me the crash was caused by my USB speakers, if i changed my default speakers in windows sound parameters to other speakers, the game didn’t crash anymore.
I also noticed that if i disconnect my controller while playing, the game crashes instantly (i use a ps4 controller via DS4Windows).) taken from forums.
ps everything works fine for me, did nothing.
game crash aftersecond info screen
When there’s something strange with the game you wanna play … who you gonna call?! PC Busters! JK, LOL.
Seriously though, thanks Admin for the game. Didn’t think an old game like this would be getting a remaster but glad to see it.
At least I came back with help, ok? sorry sensible men.
sounds stereo
Game dont working , crash all time loading screen to desktop . fake crack!
Put game in mode “STEREO SOUND” and launch , work fine every time .
@DAMIAN32, I find it kind of funny and interesting that you would say that the game has a fake crack because it crashed on you the first time at the loading screen.
Then approximately 5 seconds later after your first post, you come back and say that putting the game in Stereo Sound and launching it has the game working fine.
I guess it wasn’t a fake crack after all huh? 😛
how do you put the stereo mode?
I cant get past the “press enter” screen. What can I do to fix it. works. I just have to wait 1.5 hours between each part. says that I can’t download because too many people are downloading it. says that I need to be Premium even when I click the ‘Free’ link. won’t let me download when I click the ‘Free’ link because the file size is too big. says that I can’t download because I am from the United States. So in all five file hosting sites, only one works for me. I don’t want to pay Premium or pay for VPN. And of course I don’t want to buy the game, that’s why I’m on this site. I know of TOR browser. Not sure if that will let me get around the restriction. I might try that later, but not looking forward to downloading another browser. Anyone else have some ideas (that are free)? I’m not too worried about it because if I wait a few days, it will probably be uploaded to another website that I use and all of their download links are friendly. But it would be nice if I could download it now from skidrow. Oh, and I don’t do torrents so that isn’t an option. BTW, I’m not ungrateful. I love this website and I appreciate the crackers and the uploaders. I’m merely trying to find a solution to my problem that doesn’t involve paying money.
Nevermind. I forgot about this other website that also has download friendly links. And it is already uploaded on there so I can downloaded this minute. But if anyone has an advice about my Skidrow situation, I’d appreciate it. I download from Skidlow a lot, but sometimes I can’t (because of like what happened above).
I watched the Skidrow tutorial on how to fix the google drive download problem I was having. But I had to do some maintenance stuff for the last 1-2 hours. I’m finally done. I’m going to give the tutorial a try now. Hope it works. It should.
UPDATE: Cool. The Skidrow tutorial on making Google Drive downloads work does the trick. But regular Google Drive only allows 15 GB of storage. So after you’ve downloaded the first three parts (5 GB x 3 Parts = 15 GB total), be sure to Remove them and then open up the Trash folder, click the drop down arrow, and then select Empty Trash. Then you are good to go to download Parts 4 and 5. I downloaded all the files no problem. I’m installing the game. I’ll follow up later and let others know if it works for me or not.
The game seems to be working for me. No crashes. You can change some settings in your Local Data > GHOSTBUSTERS > settings.ini file. I made my game windowed, because that is what I prefer. And I changed my resolution to a custom one. After I started a new campaign, the cutscene video froze (or took a long time loading) for a while but it eventually unfroze. After a bunch of cutscenes and dialogues, I was in the game and was able to move around and stuff normally. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with this game like some people said. Maybe you all are using integrated graphic cards? My laptop has both integrated Intel GPU and NVIDIA GeoForce 940MX (I don’t need anything more powerful than that for all 250 games that I own). I have it set to the NVIDIA GPU, of course. One thing is that in the Videos folder, there are two copies of every video file. One is MP4 format and the other is OGV. The OGV format is significantly more memory. I’m wondering if the cutscenes would be less laggy and if you could free up some space on your HDD by deleting the OGV versions. I’d have to search online to see if anyone has an answer to this. It’s almost my bedtime, so I’ll look that information up tomorrow. Anyway, game works. At least for me it did.
So, when you create a new campaign, it is supposed to show a video of a commercial. For me, that video freezes and never plays. You hear the audio, but don’t see the video. By the time the video starts to show, the video + subtitles is totally out of sync with the audio. You’ll see video and subtitles for stuff you already heard a minute ago. Maybe there is something wrong with my computer. I had the same problem with another HOODLUM game called Daymare: 1998. But it might not be HOODLUM’s fault. It could just be my computer isn’t set up right or something. So once again, I have a good game where the cutscenes are messed up. The game itself will be fun, but I’ll have to watch the cutscenes on YouTube or something. The funny thing is I can go to the videos folder and find the same commercial video and it plays just fine. No idea why it freezes in-game. The other videos seem to play well without freezing.
Can someone explain what “put game in stereo sound mode” means? Explain it to me like I’m four years old. I’ve read 4-5 comments from the same people on various websites, and none of their comments make sense. Please walk me through it.
I had the volume down real low, and I didn’t really pay attention to anything. I just kept pressing buttons and tried to get to a few more cutscenes. The other cutscenes are in sync, it seems. It’s just the first ones before you show up in a room next to some arcade machines that aren’t. The gb01 and the CS_FH1_01a videos don’t play right. I can watch them from the video file. Hell, I can even watch them from Extras in-game. But when I start a new campaign, they don’t play right. No idea why. But if the cutscenes in the game are okay, which I hope they are, then I might be okay.
If you play this windowed, the mouse cursor won’t stay inside the window and you will end up clicking taskbar icons and stuff. And as far as I know this is the 64-bit version with no 32-bit version, so you can’t use DxWnd to fix that. It sucks because I own over 250 games, and all of them let me play windowed in some way or another. Guess I have to play this f’ng game in fullscreen.
I spoke too soon. I restarted the game and played for real this time. As soon as I captured the sloth ghost and got into the car to go to the hotel, the next cutscene froze and didn’t play at all until the timer ran out for the video length and then I was standing in front of the hotel. Just great. I wish I knew what was wrong with my computer.
I have the problem with the videos not loading too. The rest of the game plays fine after I set my audio to Stereo in Windows sound settings. But most of the cutscenes so far just freeze after playing a few seconds. If I look in task manager, it says “Not Responding” and it will ask me if I want to force close the application, but if I don’t do that and just let it go, it will unfreeze when it gets back to the regular in-game parts. I also have the original version of the game and it works fine, it doesn’t have any of these problems. So I dunno what they did, but something isn’t right with it.
Thanks. That makes me feel better knowing it might be a HOODLUM thing and not me. And that other players are experiencing the same thing. This is the second HOODLUM game to do this to me. The other is Daymare: 1998. I like HOODLUM for always cracking tons of games (unlike CPY), but I wish they wouldn’t break the cutscenes like that.
So since you are in the same boat at me, maybe this will help you. I found this website (it was super hard to find. i didn’t bookmark it last night and I cleared my browser history and it took me an hour to find it again), that seems to list all the cutscene video file names in order. So all you have to do is look at the list, look at the last video you watched, and then find the name of the next video that you haven’t watched yet. Then go to the videos folder in the game installation folder and watch it.
Oh good, yeah. I was watching them manually like that, but I had to just keep searching until I found the right one, which was annoying. So yeah that helps, thank you. Not ideal, by any stretch, but it’s still playable, and at least I won’t miss anything this way.
UPDATE: I think that I found a fix. Before, some videos were frozen for 1-3 minutes, and the rest of the time the audio and video were always completely out of sync by 1-3 minutes. But today I found someone’s post and he explained that the cutscenes don’t lag as bad when you use your integrated GPU. I have two GPUs. An integrated Intel and a dedicated NVIDIA. I was using the NVIDIA. When I switched to the Intel, the cutscenes loaded and were almost 100% perfectly in sync. They might have been out of sync by 1/2 second. But then on top of that, the developers for the game in an email “” released a new ghost.exe. The new ghost.exe didn’t work when I was used NVIDIA. But when I switched to the Intel GPUs, the new ghost.exe worked and it reduced the 1/2 second lag to like 1/4 or 1/8 second. So now the audio and video are almost perfect 99.9% in sync.
anyone else having issues where everything is green? menu/cutscenes i can hear everything but there is just a blank green screen
Works fine. Thanks!
@John Smith and Naera, You have quite a few posts that address video and game cutscene issues. If you both happen to be running on Windows 10 with an older build version, I would recommend updating your systems with the 1903 build version and applying the latest patch fix for it that addresses game breaking issues.
Also, check your own PC hardware specs such as CPU, GPU, and RAM and match them against the game’s own Minimum System Requirements guys. If there is anything on the game’s own System Requirements that doesn’t closely match or exceed the minimum supported CPU and GPU hardware specs of your own current hardware in your system, chances are it isn’t going to run as well as you would expect, and not at all like your other games would, because not every game has the same hardware requirements. It depends heavily on both the right type of CPU and GPU, and enough RAM installed to run without any issues.
I cant get past the “press enter” screen. What can I do to fix it?
@Daniel, if you are using your keyboard to play the game, simply press Enter on your keyboard. If you are using a game controller, unplug it from your USB port. Exit the game completely to your Windows Desktop. Restart Windows. When Windows boots back up and your at your Windows Desktop again, plug your controller back in and allow Windows to detect it and reinstall the drivers for it.
If that doesn’t fix your game controller issue (if you are using one to play with), then plug your game controller into another USB port, wait for Windows to detect the controller and reinstall the drivers, and then launch the game. If it fixes the issue and you are able to move past the ” Press Enter” screen, you have just resolved the issue.
Had the same issue as most people… game crashing to desktop after the 2nd title card. Tried changing my speaker config to Stereo but that didn’t work. Changed windows default speakers to my integrated monitor speakers (which are stereo) and the game loaded up all the way. No issues starting a game or playing cutscenes. I tried alt-tabbing out of the game to switch back to my 5.1 speakers but when I changed the setting, the game crashed immediately. Set it back to the integrated speakers and it worked fine. No issues playing all the way through the first level. Not really seeing a big difference between the original and this one though. No 4k textures or anything so it’s pretty much the same.
@Hannover, I don’t know about the older game, cause I haven’t played that one before, but there does seem to be new ghosts and ghost bosses in the game, apart from the Stay Pufft Marshmallow Man and the Librarian Ghost, there is the Ghost Captain, the Woman with the Spider tattoo you get to fight in her spider form at the grand hotel, a black blob like boss, a master chef boss in the kitchen area of the game, and some black mass / blob creatures, cemetery ghosts and specters, as well as possessors that can posses the Ghostbusters or other people you have to blast with Slime from your proton canon to exorcise and save them from possession.
There is also an Extras area to watch all cutscenes from the game, as well as a promo commercial featuring the Ghostbusters, a behind the scenes look at the making of the game, and some concept as well as game art from the game too to look at.
i have a problem. when im going in the mission library i get first a blackscreen then a error: [D3D11] failed to allocate texture. pls help
I have had no issues, aside from the minor annoyance of audio popping during the game’s movie cutscenes. No issues with actual in-game cutscenes or spoken dialogue. And this only happens with Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered. No crashes here. I’ve played the game right through to the end, and my internal audio is set to Stereo.
I’ve noticed before hand that some people above me said that they were having issues with playing the game’s movie cutscenes, so I suggest going to the game’s Audio / Visual settings from Options before starting the game, and locking your display refresh rate to either 30 MHz or 60 MHz. Only use the setting that matches your own monitor’s refresh rate. It has to be an exact match. You can not set the game refresh rate to be 30MHz while your monitor refresh rate is 60 MHz, otherwise you might end up with a black screen or movie cutscenes not playing.
Also, if your Graphics card supports it, you can leave FXAA on in Audio / Visual for antialiasing as this does help with the playback of movie cutscenes and does help the audio in it sound a little better, minus some of the minor audio pops you might hear (movie cutscenes only).
No Crack in iso folder Hoodlum, crash after start:(
crashes after 2nd info screen…. 🙁