There’s always fun to be had when a brand new girl is added to Love & Sex, but this time you can multiply that by three – because a trio of totally new and totally hot ladies are coming your way in the latest DLC.
Kat – a mega-talented gamer girl and former rival of Bree’s, Kat’s back in a big way. Now it’s Mike that she wants to play with, and she had more than video games in mind too. Kat seems shy and retiring at first, but is she keeping something from Mike?
Reona – maybe you know this girl from someplace else, maybe you don’t. Either way she’s about to make a big impression on Mike when Jack introduces her to his best friend. Reona’s wild and passionate, but will Mike be able to handle her?
Amy – even hot goth girls need to make a living, which is why Amy’s working at the electrical store. Though it doesn’t take Mike long to realize there’s a lot more to Amy when she’s off-work. Out-going and with a mischievous streak to be discovered, Amy’s pale skin hides the hot, red blood pumping away underneath.
- 3 new waifu to seduce and have fun with
- 1 new date location where you can take new and old love interests to
- 30 new sex scenes
- 10 new harems and polyamorous relationships
- 10 new endings
This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages or may not be appropriate for viewing at work.
Game Title: Love and Sex: Second Base – For A Fistful Of Waifu
Store Page: https://www.gog.com/en/game/love_and_sex_second_base_for_a_fistful_of_waifu -10%
Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/love-and-sex-second-base-for-a-fistful-of-waifu/
Developer: Andrealphus Games
Publisher: Andrealphus Games
User Rating: 3.7 out of 5 based on 0 user reviews
Release Date: 2 Oct, 2024
Love and Sex Second Base For A Fistful Of Waifu-GOG
SIZE: 1.33 GB
1cloudfile.com, koramaup.com, 1fichier.com, bowfile.com, clicknupload.name, dailyuploads.net, ddownload.com, gofile.io, hexload.com, megaup.net, rapidgator.net, usersdrive.com, wdfiles.ru
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Extract. Install. Play. (No need crack for GOG games)
GOTY here’s a fapping game for you and she’s got HUGE boobs. Show George and Sandstorm that real men don’t wait for a great fapping game.
GOTY c’mon man ! Your mommy must be proud of you can enjoy every woman only through pixels ! The sad part is when she has to clean your smelly basement.
Look at this fat 4channer so triggerd he makes the same unfunny joke that he is impotent FAGGOT over two different accounts.
@GOTY I don’t need your insane incel strategies to flex myself, i know i’m right and you’re just a degenerate clown, deal with it
Getting called degenerate by far right incel like you is a compliment I am proudly pro sexual liberation and erotic media what now virgin prude let me guess gonan seeth cry and get owned and clowned some more you are such a weak ass bitch it’s hilarious love to live rent free in your retarded autistic head.
can we please get a way on this site to (toggle?) hide these kinds of games? would be real nice
You’re not the one that decide that. If you don’t like this genre, why the fuck are you here? And speak about yourself, noone is a triggered cringe one like you.
Sorry but thats because you dont have a brain and you are problaby a) a frikkin kid who loves these games, obviuosly or b) an aged-lonely desperated guy who obviously like these games
Everything else… sorry. I get that people like everything these days but at this point this is ridiculous. Why are we here? to test proper decent games, not this kind of trash, dummy.
And who says steam, its gog or whatever platform. They only care about $$$ at this point.
BASED gog and steam. Sex sells and all will prudes like you will not change biology or reality cry more.
@George Please man, you’re already ridicle by existing, dont try to give sense to your bullshits because all you need is a good therapy.
All you said is just 0 logic. Erotic/porn games exists from ages and who the fuck are you to JUDGE someone that can play and enjoy that? Nothing, you’re absolute nothing.
“Why are we here? to test proper decent games, not this kind of trash, dummy.” I’m sure a unlucky down syndrome person got more arguments like you.
You’re speaking about that in a cracked games site. Your iq is so low that i dont even know how the fuck you’re still alive and you didn’t drown yourself in your own saliva.
You are lucky steam only cares about $$$ and not decency. If it wasnt the case you would even see 90% of these games, so… please get down of your high horse.
Imagine thinking there is something indecent about erotic media or nudity. American puritanism and braindead mentality of gore and violence good sexuality bad is pure mental illness and you sound like a puritan religious extremist with dark ages mentaltiy which you most likely are either that or middle schooler who needs to grown up.
I’m an American and I resent that you lump me in with this stalker.
I really wish we could do that. Im so tired of seeing these kind of games all the time. We know they are going to sell anyways, but if we could at least hide em in here….
Yeah but then you wouldn’t have an opportunity for all of this performative outrage and bullying.
Don’t like it don’t play freedom of choice and freedom of expression ftw retarded ass boomer.
Do you heard of the concept of freedom and don’t like it don’t play it? Of course not seething crying sex negative prude imbecile.
Sigh another one of these… seriously. Ridiculous. But i get it, kids these days this is what they buy, all the time. And eastern countries this is the only thing they do, so… and steam wants money so… it is just very sad that steam has become a platform where every single piece of garbaje is sold because of $$$ no matter what. Videogaming industry these days is so awful and its so broken that is completely unrealistic. I miss so much the golden age of videogames, sigh.
Here we go the bipolar George/Sandstorm on the move that doesn’t even hide his double nicknames.
“Golden age of videogames” what a pathetic clown, i repeat, GAMING isn’t for you anymore, find a new hobby that full your shit life because you become more and more ridiculous with every thing you say.
Never seen such a boring and waste of air boomer like you i swear to god.
BASED sex positive asian so many triggered far puritanical americans. Common erotic media W,common man of culture W,common asian media W.
so this is straight culture huh
BASED sex positive straight culture>>>>faggots and self mutiliatiing troons. Straight culture keeps winning and sex sells.
BASED cultured and gorgeous common straight masculine culture W cry seeth you impotent fat american prudes. Erotic media is based and goated.
Thank you awesome game.
GOTY you’re so dumb that you revealed that you and Theboys are the same person.
I was the one that got more accounts uh? You pathetic piece of shit. No doubts you’re a fucking handicapped alone incels that needs multi accounts to flex and support himself, what a fucking sad and worthless person lol.
lmao I only need and have one account to own retard like you it’s too easy it’s like beating mentally handicapped kid which you are and yes far right incel like you have multiple account crying the same repetitive puritanical bullshit. Puritanism is mental illness and you are mentally ill to the max.
@GOTY As expected here you are again. It’s so easy bait such a low iq worm like you that it becomes boring asap.
Just look at you and what you say everytime. You’re just a continue copypaste, and the fun thing it’s that you call others NPC, LOL!
You’re a failure, and not just in your waste of oxygen life, but as clown too.
Prove my point writing again with your multiple accounts, c’mon. I already fucked you entirely like the unknown person did with your mommy and he left you long time ago.
Nobody would be proud about such a waste of semen like you.
I love comment section on these ”games” hahhahahaha
alot of incels here crying about porn games, grow up kiddos
Its not about porn games, dummy, its about the idustry going backwards and degrading every frikkin year. You dont get it, why could you?. .. its the same with all the idiotic “simulators” and all the other crappy games that are sold just because they generate tons of money. If you dont get it, you need a brain asap. The videogaming industry is broken because of all these games and others. But specially these games. There are only a couple of good games released every year because big companies dont bother anymore to work on AAA games anymore. They dont generate enough $$ because the market is inflated and plagued with every single piece of sh1t you could find. Again, if you still dont get it, buy a brain for yourself the sooner the better.
Here we go the womp womp deluxe edition. Boomers like you should never have a pc to write this essay of bullshits.
@George you say that and then you download pirate what an example to follow just another idiot who can’t jerk off at home when he was a teenager.
True those far right incels are so triggered by porn games since they get zero pussy in real life it’s hilarious same people that whine about sex scenes in movies or romance in movies and tv shows since they are maidenless virgins it’s hilarious.
Who are these games for? Who puts time into developing this fucking garbage?
Easter country developers. They know all the braindead kids love these games (even most of them cant even be considered “games” just slideshows of stupid anime pictures) and they are sold like candies. Thats why they are so many. And because platforms like steam accept and publish every sinngle crap, these games included. Thats why videogaming industry is every year worst and worst.
BASED eastern devs for having hot woman designs,sexuality and not being puritanical mentally ill nation afraid of something as natural as nudity and human sexuality as USA hope they never change usa uglification and hideous western characters desings are cancer. Asian goated masterpiece level gaming market>>>>>>>>>>>>western sterilized boring uglified to hell gaming market.
For based straight cultured man who have testosterone and masculinity and like erotic media like majority of normal man meaning not zero testosterone impotent puritanical zoomer troons like yourself.
@Zachary Bart Shut the fuck up you cringe retarded boomer, the last one we need here is a fucking pathetic moralist, get shot in your worthless head