Dreus commented on the post, Foxsoldier-TiNYiSO 3 years ago
This is a joke, they can’t be serious lol
Dreus commented on the post, FATAL FRAME PROJECT ZERO Maiden of Black Water-CODEX 3 years ago
KT just released a fix for the monitor refresh issue. Hope to find it here soon
Dreus commented on the post, The Medium-CODEX 4 years ago
Ok, but which version is this? I noticed GOG is a backward one. MS is currently
Wondering why still no updates… -
Dreus commented on the post, Halo The Master Chief Collection Halo 4-HOODLUM 4 years ago
Is it possible to change the id nametag? Can’t figure how
Dreus commented on the post, The Shattering-HOODLUM 5 years ago
Torrent link is not working, could you fix it? Thanks!
Dreus commented on the post, GRIP Combat Racing Digital Deluxe Edition-CODEX 5 years ago
A torrent would be much appreciated, thanks
Dreus commented on the post, Hades The Nighty Night v26833-Early Access 5 years ago
File hosts usually cap their services to force users to buy premium, but pay for a service I would use once (in a while) would be pointless. I downloaded this game once and one of the two parts is damaged. The […]