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Riddle me this(these):
How many sides has a circle?
What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every race?
Why is an orange like a bell?
What is always on its way here, but never arrives?
What won't run long without winding?
What belongs to you, but is used by others?
The more you take away from it the larger it grows, what is it?
I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?
What is it that no man wants to have but no man wants to lose?
What is it that travels on all fours in the morning, on two legs at noon, and three at twilight?
Don't Worry I Left Some Hints there 😀
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- JOINED: September 22, 2021