imkentoy commented on the post, NBA 2K21 MULTi9-ElAmigos 5 years ago
I found this video on how to apply the method in the game to make the my career mode playable offline.
imkentoy commented on the post, Horizon Zero Dawn Update v1.04 Incl Controller Fix-P2P 5 years ago
Did you notice any improvements patch 1.04?
imkentoy commented on the post, Horizon Zero Dawn-CODEX 5 years ago
I found a video on how to properly apply the 1.03 patch guys. I hope it helps.
imkentoy commented on the post, Wasteland 3 Digital Deluxe Edition-GOG 5 years ago
Is 1070 enough for this game or should I upgrade? Is this a GPU demanding game? Found this gameplay on YouTube.
imkentoy commented on the post, Remnant From the Ashes Subject 2923 Update v248587-CODEX 5 years ago
Guys should I stick with GTX 1070 or let it go?
I found this gameplay but couldn’t decide. -
imkentoy commented on the post, Microsoft Flight Simulator-HOODLUM 5 years ago
Is the GTX 1070 still worth it? I found this video and it seems that this GPU is somewhat capable of running Microsoft Flight Simulator.
imkentoy commented on the post, Horizon Zero Dawn-CODEX 5 years ago
Found this video on how to apply the patch and it worked well for me.