Embark on a wild adventure alongside Jake, Emily, Dave, and Eva as Mysteries Mix, a group dedicated to uncovering the town’s secrets. When an ancient board game from Eva’s late grandmother is brought into their midst, a portal to another universe is unintentionally established, setting off a series of bizarre events that test their bravery and friendship. To restore equilibrium to their world, riddles must be solved, clues uncovered, and strange monsters battled, all while navigating the unknown.
Join the fearless Mysteries Mix group, led by Jake, Emily, and Dave, along with new member Eva.
Delve into the depths of an old board game, where secrets and mysteries await discovery.
Puzzles must be solved and clues collected to progress through the spatial rifts.
Encounter captivating individuals such as Icarus, whose arrival heralds a shift in the dynamics of their town.
Traverse eerie landscapes and unearth the truth regarding the existence of the portal.
- Game Title: Mysteries Mix – Echoes Between Worlds
- Store Page: –
- Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/mysteries-mix-echoes-between-worlds/
- Genre:
- Developer: Agung Wijaya
- Publisher: Agung Wijaya
- Release Date: 2024-05-03
Mysteries Mix Echoes Between Worlds-RAZOR
SIZE: 170 MB
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