Enjoy life, and sex.
The action of the game takes place in the apartment of a nymphomaniac – Vydija.
The player controls a hot Asian woman, Vydija. She is a sex addict nymphomaniac who sometimes loses control of herself, and believes she is possessed by a demon. Sex allows her to forget about nightmares, debts and problems.
Vydija’s apartment is full of activities and mini-games. The player can explore them in any order and pace. Time passes slowly, and if we are careful, Vydija’s story will never end, allowing us to play it in another time loop.
Our apartment, our dressing room, our secret BDSM room. Everything here is filled with sex. Even that fucking cucumber in the fridge is looking at us like that… What the heck!
Even though government announcements warn us against contact with strangers… We won’t give up pleasure, right? Every new client (sorry – partner) may turn out to be a killer. It’s better to be careful who we open the door to… This uncertainty… excites…
Why do I feel trapped in my apartment? I want to know what’s really going on here! Why does the corridor change every time? Am I stuck in some loop between life and death? What the hell is this about?!
Story of Nymphomaniac
Although participating in Vydija’s life may be attractive in itself, and living another day with her allows you to escape from the gray reality, it is only a seemingly easy task. The world has become unsafe, and the area is full of perverts, murderers and dark types who are just waiting for our mistake.
Player, help Vydija identify such customers. Pay attention to details, check whether the guy standing in the corridor has good intentions. Talk to him through the closed door and make sure. Your error in judgment could result in Vydija’s death!
Between Worlds?
Why is there an outline of a human figure and traces of blood in my BDSM room? Are nightmares with demons and hell just innocent dreams?
But above all, how is it possible that when I go down the staircase I end up in the same place again…?
I don’t know if I want to know the answers… Decide for me, player. Or let’s just focus on sex.
Sex, chillout and more sex
Sex is important in a nymphomaniac’s life – of course, but calming down her racing thoughts and relaxing after several orgasms a day is equally important.
Playing on the console, watching movies with a glass of wine, taking a relaxing bath or doing naked yoga to immerse yourself in bliss is part of Vydija’s life.
The private part that her sexual partners don’t see. Something she shares only with you, the player.
Room of pleasure
This room is where the magic happens. The room filled with sex, gadgets and latex, where our Vydija meets the needs of herself and her guests, constantly tempts with its pleasant red light spilling into the corridor.
Infinite gameplay
There is no fighting in the game, no jumping, blocking or sprinting. We move only in Vydija’s apartment and in the corridor and staircase.
Our main task is to pay the rent and survive while having fun. And if this is not enough for us, let’s leave the apartment and discover the secrets of this place.
Streamer’s computer
The main command center of our nymphomaniac. This is where she buy new things for the apartment, new sex toys, new clothes and gadgets.
This is also where you arrange sex with strangers (or regulars).
Vydija, by selling her yoga recordings online and collecting positive opinions after meetings, is gaining an increasingly better reputation, which translates into earnings. And this allows her to reach exclusive goods and more interesting, very demanding partners.
Key features:
- Sex scenes
- Play in FPP or TPP
- Interesting heroine
- Intriguing sex partners
- Idyllic atmosphere and chill that allows for great immersion and de-stress with the virtual “wifu” Vydija.
- Infinite gameplay
- Character customization
This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages or may not be appropriate for viewing at work.
Game Title: Nymphomaniac – Sex Addict
Store Page: https://www.gog.com/en/game/nymphomaniac_sex_addict -20%
Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/nymphomaniac-sex-addict/
Developer: Madmind Studio
Publisher: Madmind Studio
User Rating: 2.9 out of 5 based on 23 user reviews
Release Date: 2 Oct, 2024
Nymphomaniac Sex Addict-I_KnoW
SIZE: 15.6 GB
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Fapping overload for GOTY, George and Sandstorm
Look how triggered over how woman and designs you are uncle tom also using two accounts and still getting owned is not a good look you prefer to play feminazi games like Concord and Dustborn with ugly hideous designs I see like zero testosterone fatsos usually do.
That’s for sure the history of GOTY mommy during her college period ! Pretty sure he doesn’t even know his real father…or more than one ahahahah
Projecting much failed abortion? Your mom should have swallowed the world would truly be better off.
@GOTY Nuh uh my family loves me and i love them, and they’re still alive. Yours? Oh dear….
Nice projection failed abortion and parasite I have loving family and plenty of friends unlike social reject and autist like you with mental disability.
@GOTY yeah dude, then you woke up alone in your bed in tears. Poor lonely soul…
Cry more please love your tears and rhe fact that despite all your triggered seething you will die alone in your basement like a fat obese virgin you are.
@GOTY Waaa waaaa i’m useless and i’m copypasting everything i will never be waaaa waaa goo gooo gaa gaaa.
A childish fart makes more sense than all your bullshit combined.
You are so triggered and seething schizoid you could just not respond and stop getting clowned and owned,but it seems like you have the humiliation fetish with how much of the weak ass bitch and cuck you are. I almost feel sorry with how much I roast intellectually disabled zero masculinity nerd like you shit losers like you belong showed into lockers get a job,touch grass and hit the gym responding to my posts every second won’t stop reality that you are jobless virgin who lives in his moms basement stop being a international emberrasment you autistic weirdo.
Common erotic media W.common man of culture W. Look at how triggered fat troons and impotent prudes are.
Thank you.
GOTY if you think sex will make you happy you’re in for a wild ride.
Is that how you cope with being unfuckable obese basement dwelling virgin? Sex is one of the joys of life and important biological human function no wonder virgin like you hate it since you get none.
GOTY the virgin boy strikes again
You mispelled the chad that fucks your mom every night. Yes I am still living rent free in your fat autistic head until the end of die then you will die by rope in your basement please cry and seeth more I am proud to be cultured,sex positive fuck hottest woman and make alll basement dwelling 4channers and virgins cry and seeth over my every post.
@GOTY The only thing you can fuck is your sock like every real loser can do in his peak sex. You ridicle pathetic dogshit person.
All you say is just projection so shut the fuck up you worthless idiot.
lmao seeth and cry more autist please it’s hilarious your attempts at insults and projection are so weak and pathetic it’s obvious that zero masculinity obese autist like you where bullied hard to create such weak pathetic cuck who has zero masculinity and testosterone and therefore is triggered by woman and erotic media and is intellectually retarded. Damn how sad I don’t see this fatso in real life bullying fat autistic nerd like you would be too funny. You reply the second I post literally rent free in this fat autist head. I live in your walls schizo and rent free in your head too. It’s hilarious how superior both physically and intellectually I am to a fat basement dwelling autistic retard like you.
You’re so handicapped and low iq that you’re trolling yourself, i’m just here to watch how pathetic and sad a human stain can be.
Lucky losers like you never touch grass or do something useful for the society so that’s my win, you literally told me how is your life and your achievments and i didn’t even need to ask.
You’re done.
Keep dancing for me, do it again, puppet.
lmao my obssesed retard incel stalker talking about talking grass the irony is palpable. I love seeing you seeth and cry while I actually work,have social life and contribute to society and despite all the seething and crying you will still end up the virgin on the rope in your basement. I clowned you so much you are literally obssesed respondint to random people seeing me in walls,responding to every post in seconds I know you are a faggot and all,but I don’t swing that way my guy touch grass,get a job stop spending all your time in forums it’s just sad and pathetic honestly I come back days later after multiple days of work and partying on weekends and you are still seething I have never seen more no life ultravirgin than you in my life what a sad terminally online waste of space and life.
In before 10 more days of schizo whiny bitch crying and seething by uncle tom ultravirgin while saying he is not obssesed with me damn you touching grass at this point would be a miracle this ultravirgin is literally spending days upon days crying about my posts it would be sad if,but it’s just too funny how much of the autistic no life loser you are.
TL;DR, it’s just your npc soul with limited words copypasted everytime, i already know your goo goo gaa gaa responds. The AI ChatGpt compared to you got a personality.
If you reach at least the 1% of my life you would have a job,a girl, and after a long time career lots of free time to troll dickheads failures like you, i mean, a normal person, you know?
But unlucky you’re still barking like the cringe waste of oxygen you are. And with zero fantasy too, i can smell you don’t even have the most stupid and cheaper degree, you’re still in a wild state.
Your demency was fun the first time, but now you’re boring as fuck. I mean, i can’t expect more from a pathetic failure person. As i said you’re done, and the soon you’ll understand you’re wasting your already lifetime here instead to do something useful in your miserable life the soon you’ll start to be a normal person.
Or just don’t. You already proved that a dickhead like you is born as failure and he will die as failure. Specially if can be trolled so easly by everyone, you’re just a puppet without brain to understand that.
Keep dancing for me, puppet. You’re not interesting anymore.