Vladimir has gone mad. He has created an army of Russian-speaking Putin clones to destroy America, and the White House is the final frontier.
You must defend the White House against invading hordes of Vladimir clones, or die trying!
Your arsenal of weapons include:
A jetpack (made in China)
A trusty Handgun
Shotgun (delivers deeply satisfying headshots)
Sniper Rifle (for trickshots)
Presidential Grenade Launcher
Automatic AR for blasting Putin to pieces
You must keep the White House from destruction as long as possible, whatever it takes.
Game Title: Putin Must Die – Defend the White House
Store Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2469880/
Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/putin-must-die-defend-the-white-house/
Developer: Anark Studios, Harold Crow
Publisher: Anark Studios
User Rating: 4 1 5 user reviews
Release Date: 3 Jul, 2023
Putin Must Die Defend the White House-TENOKE
SIZE: 485 MB
1cloudfile.com, 1fichier.com, anonfiles.com, bayfiles.com, clicknupload.download, dailyuploads.net, ddownload.com, doodrive.com, filerio.in, gofile.io, hexupload.net, megaup.net, pixeldrain.com, rapidgator.net, onedrive.live.com, uptobox.com, userscloud.com
If you cant see the links press CTRL+F5
- Not found
- Not found
- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: 2.6 GHz Dual Core or similar
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 570 / ATI HD 6870
- Storage: 2 GB available space
- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: 2.5 GHz Tri Core or similar
- Memory: 3 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 870 / AMD R9 270
- Storage: 2 GB available space
Extract. Copy crack. Play.
Author Game Make It On Unreal Engine 5
it’s the entire world that have to defeat the fuckin americas.
everything americans touch… become shit.
Sure… because everything russians touch… become gold, true freedom, no cannon fodder…
I suggest you to crack games more on russian websites than western ones like this one
@djdjdksjd@djdjdl.com Meanwhile everything russians touch… don’t become shit… because they are already shit
Fuck Russia, besides india most scammer
@John Absolutely agree with you. That joker ruined the entire country. But the main master mind is probably the new american president, he’s playing a dangerous game. The world is suffering because of them. COVID hurt their economy big time and they became weak. So, they just planned this to shift their enemies focus and hurt the world economy. He’s behind this Russia-Ukrain war. their next target is China-taiwan war. Not sure if you’ve noticed but some american journalists spread stories on how Zelensky is a Hero in this war right after some time when the war started.
I think you need to have your head checked.
@PhilTheThrill and you seriously need to get your IQ and eyes checked dude. or your just one of em..that explains everything
Hueta dlya rafinirovannih pindosov i sosuschih ih chlen hohlopov.
Hmmm Yanks and their faggots barking? Only last decades and millions people killed for Ipod faggotst? US shopus be eradicated and Americans chased everywhere. And I’m not even Russian.
Good job Russia. Rainbow nazis triggered:)))
The developer is not all right with his head
Hmmm I think that for the World would be much better when somebody get rid of Biden. There is no biggest World terrorist than US these day and whoever they touch is turning into shiet.
Game of the year.
The fact that games like this are even published on Steam says it all. Videogaming industry today is completely TRASH.
If it was “Zelensky must die”, I would have downloaded it right away
io mi stupisco di certi argomenti , la gente non descrive giudica!! i russi gli americani invece di giudicare governi American i governi Rossi , siamo entrati in fase del razzismo , e il popolo muore per dei governi MALATI DI MENTE !! i francesi incominciano a capire che non si può risolvere tutto con le armi come fa l’America è la Russia I am amazed by certain topics, people do not describe judges!! the Russians the Americans instead of judging American governments the Red governments , we have entered a phase of racism , and the people are dying for governments MENTALLY ILL !! the French are beginning to understand that everything cannot be solved with weapons as America and Russia do
So funny to see all the vatniks putin’s submissive d*ck kissers crying in the comment section XD
politics! even in this shady ass website? good job internet
Stalin didnt help warsaw uprising WW2 even after promised to the allied leaders ( he wanted warsaw for himself) , all died, warsaw levelled because he went back on his promise to allies in WW2 to help jews kicked out nazi in Warsaw, Stalin took over germany as (true) he was important in helping allies win WW2, but wanted all germany for himseslf, gave west 1/2 berlin and built the berin wall and sick sick communism took over germany, many lost lives because of this, lots of bad history and many dead until 1989 when wall fell. All former USSR countries all wanting freedom from oppression, many dead under oppressive brain washing sick communist rule, finallly 1990s countries in europe got freedom, now all beautiful countries as i travel and see lots of them, Today Russia still wants to control world with communism, oooh lets get USSR back and invade Ukraine, lots dead on both sides because of another Russian madman. Russia is all brainwashed idiots following a madman… oh look its the hitler story all over again. Seriously guys, open your eyes and look at history and all the bad russia has done since 1940s. Realise that yes Putin must die, not only that Russian needs to become a free democratic country and drop communism