Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.
In the year 2330, humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling new planets, and living as a spacefaring people. You will join Constellation – the last group of space explorers seeking rare artifacts throughout the galaxy – and navigate the vast expanse of space in Bethesda Game Studios’ biggest and most ambitious game.
Tell Your story
In Starfield the most important story is the one you tell with your character. Start your journey by customizing your appearance and deciding your Background and Traits. Will you be an experienced explorer, a charming diplomat, a stealthy cyber runner, or something else entirely? The choice is yours. Decide who you will be and what you will become.
Explore Outer Space
Venture through the stars and explore more than 1000 planets. Navigate bustling cities, explore dangerous bases, and traverse wild landscapes. Meet and recruit a memorable cast of characters, join in the adventures of various factions, and embark on quests across the Settled Systems. A new story or experience is always waiting to be discovered.
Captain the Ship Of Your Dreams
Pilot and command the ship of your dreams. Personalize the look of your ship, modify critical systems including weapons and shields, and assign crew members to provide unique bonuses. In deep space you will engage in high-stakes dogfights, encounter random missions, dock at star stations, and even board and commandeer enemy ships to add to your collection.
Discover, Collect, Build
Explore planets and discover the fauna, flora, and resources needed to craft everything from medicine and food to equipment and weapons. Build outposts and hire a crew to passively extract materials and establish cargo links to transfer resources between them. Invest these raw materials into research projects to unlock unique crafting recipes.
Lock and Load
Space can be a dangerous place. A refined combat system gives you the tools to deal with any situation. Whether you prefer long-range rifles, laser weapons, or demolitions, each weapon type can be modified to complement your playstyle. Zero G environments add a chaotic spectacle to combat, while boost packs give players freedom to maneuver like never before.
Game Title: Starfield
Store Page:
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
User Rating: 93,163 70,712 Mixed
Release Date: 5 Sep, 2023
Starfield Language Pack-RUNE
This Language Pack includes the following additional languages for the Starfield-RUNE release.> French
> Italian
> German
> Spanish – Spain
> Japanese
> Polish
> Portuguese – Brazil
> Simplified ChineseExtract
Run setup.exe and install Language Pack
Copy crack from RUNE dir to installdir
Use language.changer.exe to select lang and PlayYou need the following releases for this ↓ :
If you cant see the links press CTRL+F5
- Not found
- Not found
- OS: Windows 10 version 21H1 (10.0.19043)
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, Intel Core i7-6800K
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 5700, NVIDIA GeForce 1070 Ti
- DirectX: Version 12
- Storage: 125 GB available space
- Additional Notes ↓ : SSD Required
- OS: Windows 10/11 with updates
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, Intel i5-10600K
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
- DirectX: Version 12
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 125 GB available space
- Additional Notes ↓ : SSD Required
Languages:English*, French*, Italian, German*, Spanish – Spain*, Japanese*, Polish, Portuguese – Brazil, Simplified Chinese
*languages with full audio support
Extract. Copy crack. Play.
The following languages will be supported with full localization in Text and Voice:
Spanish (Spain)
The following languages will have Interface/Text support only:
Portuguese (Brazil)
Simplified Chinese
@kiko why it sitll english voice when i used language.changer to change French German Spanish (Spain) Japanese
Hi, guys after download language pack disable antivirus, install with setup and change language in steam.ini
Impossible de cliquer dessus merci
@QUENTIN CHICHEREAU Of course you can’t click if you notice it says they are uploading the link, wait a few minutes and it will be available
para altera o idioma, na pasta do jogo procure o arquivo steam_emu depois botão direito e editar, procure o Language e coloque em sua preferencia Language = brazilian
funcionou pra voce? pra mim nao, o audio segue ingles, mesmo depois de baixar o pacote
Parfait, thx RUNE Working Thank you RUNE! 🙂
Thanks RUNE team you are the best
Is there a torrent to downlaod everything at once?
Torrent link is down? I can’t download for install 🙁
wow, that torrent is surely taking a lot of time to upload, more than the game itself ahahha. anyways youre the first so thanks for the amazing job guys
It just doesnt work…
It only replaces the text but not the audio!
Please Halp
@MAB yo descargue el paquete por torrent,instale el setup,(cuidado con el antivirus que te lo puede borrar)en donde tengo instalado la version rune ,despues copie el contenido de rune doblaje en carpeta raiz del juego,abri el archivo steam_emu cambie donde dice idioma por defecto estaba en ingles,lo cambie a spanish guarde.y ejecute el language.changer.exe.y se escucha el doblaje en español.
Check out the first comment
Yeah german isnt working..
Don’t translate the voices? I can’t put my voice into French, what should I do?
The torrent link doesn’t work
noz working
Thanks for sharing it!
Hey jw when I start the game it opens steam and says no licenses. Were’t the crack files installed with the torrent?
Hey jw when I start the game it opens steam and says no licenses. Were’t the crack files installed with the torrent??
please put in the torrent, other options are difficult
alguem conseguiu deixa o jogo traduzido? dublado em portugues? ja fiz todos procedimentos, instalei pacote, iniciei pelo aplicativo do pacote, alterando o idioma dentro dele, ja alterei o steam_emu, porem nao fica dublado, somente legendas em portugues, o audio segue ingles
Não tem dublagem em português, infelizmente.
Hey Guys do it and thank me later..
to change the language you first have to unpack the language pack, then run the exe, then you go to the games folder and look for this file -> (steam_emu.ini) and there you change the language to your language and save it. start the game and enjoy..peace
does not work
@Hypes doch tut es wenn du es einstelllst wie ich oben beschrieben habe..Lg
Also muss man die Schritte oben nicht befolgen? (mit dem RUNE Folder rein kopieren und den Language changer verwenden)
und mit der exe meinst du den language pack und nicht Starfield.exe oder?
@Hypes du entpackst das sprachpaket und in dem entpackten packet is nochmal eine datei zum entpacken nur 1 siehste direkt bei mir war sie sehr weit unten, diese entpackst du auch und dann nutzt du den language changer und klickst da auch dieses extra fenster an das er die datein nutzt und danach befolgst du den oberigen schritt .. ganz easy habe untertitel auf deutsch menüsprache auch nur die npc sprechen grad noch englisch obwohl es auf deutsch ist dass muss ich noch schauen ob sich das gleich ändert oder erst nach dem neustart
Ja des habe ich doch schon längst mit der Textsprache aber die Audio ist das Problem. Die NPCs sprechen nur Englisch, egal was ich tue.
To change the voices go to Settings-audio,its in Voices-English by default no matter the language you selected xD
@Hypes ja das hab ich grade auch noch bin aber auhc noch in der mine und kann nicht speichern denke mal nach nem neustart geht das ggf dann mit dem deutsch audio.. mal testen gleich wenn man speichern kann
@Hypes ja deutsch audio geht noch nicht nur english leider.. denke mal in 1-2 tagen wird nen fix geben dafür und dann geht das solange die untertitel da sind reicht mir das für den anfang
nein ich habe einen Weg gefunden gerade eben..
Du benennst alle 3 Deutschen Voice Dateien (Starfield- Voices01de.ba2 usw.) nach den Englischen um! Also nach Starfield- Voices01.ba2 (entfernst also alle de-buchstaben). Somit tauscht du die Voice dateien aus und Starfield greift jetzt auf die “Englischen jedoch nun Deutschen Dateien” zu!
nope,the voices are in german too,i tested now:the language changer just put the text in your Language,but the voices you need to change it ingame,main menu-options-audio-voices
Lese einen Kommentar über dir von mir.
@Hypes habs gefunden und geändert werd es jetzt mal testen..
@Hypes wo finde ich diese voice dateien`grade im spiele ordner geschaut da sind keine, oder muss ich das language pack wieder entpacken(habs gelöscht) und dann da die dateien umbenennen und die exe erneut installieren lassen
Also die ursprünglichen Dateien sind 3 Stück im Data Folder. Sie heißen: Starfield – Voices01.ba2 / Starfield – Voices02.ba2 / Starfield – VoicePatch.ba2
Diese sind auf englisch. Du entpackst die deutschen gleichen 3 Dateien aber halt mit “de” im Namen. Danach benennst du diese 3 Deutschen Dateien so wie die Englischen 3 (oben gennant) und ersetzt diese im Data Folder bei Starfield. Die Text Sprache und die Vocals sind getrennte Einstellungen btw.
@Hypes ne geht bei mir doch nicht egal ob ich in game auf deutsch oder englisch audio habe der spricht nur englisch, wäre cool wenn du mir kurz sagst welche datei das genau ist mit dem deutschen voice dateien und wenn du mir dann deine text datei einfügst so dass ich nur copy paste machen muss 😉
@GDSG For those who It don’t work and asks NO LICENSE
when it opens steam by default just copy manually the insides of RUNE folder in Root of game base and replace all, Just in case make a back up of the same file names to be sure, Thanks RUNE !!! & Repack-Games for releasing this so soon.
Thanx for the Release… German Language works perfect ingame.
Edit steam_emu.ini in games folder
chane the langauage Line to:
### Language that will be used in the game
and then start Game and set the Language in the Menue to german.
thats all
@mr.tom bei mir klappt das nicht mit deutsch audio nur menü und untertitel sind auf deutsch
run setup sun hash error what is it again setuo error 1 cdx
no tiene compatibilidad con los mandos de ps 5
i’ve download the files 2 times. I get setup sun hash error..
download torrent, install the patch, use language changer . exe in the starfield directory then clic play , all is change now !
con solo instalar el udate ya me funciono
Podría subirlo a Mediafire, gracias, estos servers me dan problemas…muchas gracias por el trabajazo
Simple gameplay : Starfield [EA] Ultra Ultra 1080p VS Fx8350 Rx 5700
No setup.exe included. Where is it `?
here too no setup.exe in directory
windows defender is stealing the file 😉
Hi, i’m french.
I managed to change the language of the menu and the subtitles using the Rune, however the in-game voices are still in English even though I selected French in the menu.
And the sound is broken, the music is cut, at times there is no sound.
Do you have any solutions ?
same for me
How can I change the language in Starfield-RUNE?
Hi, guys after download language pack disable antivirus, install with setup and change language in steam.ini
je n’arrive pas a avoir l’audio en français
Bon, quand vous jouez à GTA, c’est en anglais sous titré fr ?! Faites pareil, et soyez content de pouvoir jouer sans devoir sortir un sou.
Pareil, je n’arrive pas avoir les voix françaises.
J’ai uniquement les sous-titres, malgré avoir suivi les steps dit plus haut
Could someone share just the setup.exe file please?
Upload .ba2 files would have been more convenient.
After installation and langage selection with language.changer.exe the voices are still in english. Houw could I change that?
No one sharing this anymore?
Before the language pack everything worked.
– I Install the language pack
– I copy the files in RUNE folder to the install dir.
– I run the language changer§
– I select “Italian” and it says language is changed (and indeed if I open the ini file I now see italian)
Now If I click on play in the language chager the game doesn’t start. If I double click starfield.exe in install dir again the game doesn’t start
Please share this again
links and torrent are not working anymore…