For the next 7 days Epic Games is giving away free copies of Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy. This is the last of the daily freebies at Epic Games Store, with weekly freebies resuming from next Thursday onward.
Just head over to Epic Games Store or navigate to the game in the Epic launcher before January 6th 2022, add the game to your cart and checkout. Simple as that. After that, the game is yours to keep, and play, forever.
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Thank you SO MUCH for this warning!
i am a FAN of TOMB RAIDER since i played it on CD on my old SEGA SATURN!
gonna download these free copies!
already played them all but i want them for my free collection!!
thank you SO MUCH and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Wow, now this, for once an amazing gift. Probably the best games released in story. Thanks Epic.
Unfortunately, the “get” button in shadow of the tomb raider seems to get stuck no matter what. I knew it was too good to be true :p
George, everythinmg working superbly fine, all the 3 games, George go away 😀
It seems everything’s not working well for George.
i know why, the server is sometimes too slow or too busy, and send data really slowly, this is why he thinked was an issue, but work, i have all 3 copies, well good gameing everyone with Lara
The server was just collapsed lol. If you guys tried to get the game at the same time as i did, you probably wont be able to get it either.
But everything works fine now.
Amazing that this thread isnt pinned on top even if its only for the two days and the horrendous Final Fantasy remake is. lol.
I was sure they would gift us with Dishonored for free, but ok, maybe next year, I wonder how they can gift us every week for free, with a free game
Why not? its not like they are not rich by now with all the sells of videogames these days lol. Maybe they are just more generous than other companies, that have forgotten their customers completely. Also, its not only they give games for free, many times they are GOOD games, and not the trash you can buy these days.
Well, talk about good or bad games, here we can talk forever, you can tell me 15 the bestest games ever, so dont limit if a graphics are bad like idk return to castle wolfenstein but game will be a masterpiece forever but graphics are so ancient
F U C K E P ! C !
Awesome game series all three games have great story,entertaining fast paced gameplay,good gunplay and parkour Tomb Raider remasters are the only rebooted game series I remember that is actually good and possibly better than the majority of originals.
It’s just a pity that Epic cannot get their client to work so that people can have their screens go into standby while the games download. I can understand the client preventing system standby from occurring but why is it necessary to also stop a monitor going into standby? Crazy and not very Green IMO plus unnecessary wear on the display. If you have a really fast internet connection it might not be a big issue but some of us are currently stuck with slow internet connections until they finally get fibre installed which I am hoping will be completed in the next few months. In my area they could not even do FTTC because the local phones lines were such lousy quality. So we have had to wait for FTTP which I was told would be available in 6 months last August. Meanwhile suffering 4.5 to 6 Mbps with ADSL2+.
I dont like the drugs but the drugs like meee, which sh8t u useing? Adsl looking deep, sell me 500MB, thx